执行SQL发生错误!错误:Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_149e_0.MYI' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device),语句:SELECT a.*,b.name as sortname,b.filename as sortfilename,c.name as subsortname,c.filename as subfilename,d.type,d.name as modelname,d.urlname,e.*,f.gcode,acw.brand_id,acwe.pinyin as acwepinyin,acwe.content_id FROM ay_content a LEFT JOIN ay_content_sort b ON a.scode=b.scode LEFT JOIN ay_content_sort c ON a.subscode=c.scode LEFT JOIN ay_model d ON b.mcode=d.mcode LEFT JOIN ay_member_group f ON a.gid=f.id left JOIN ay_content_watch acw ON a.id = acw.content_id JOIN ay_content_watch_extend acwe ON a.id = acwe.content_id LEFT JOIN ay_content_ext e ON a.id=e.contentid WHERE(a.status=1 AND d.type=2 AND a.date<'2024-05-04 07:33:01') AND(1=1 and acwe.type = 'question') AND( acwe.pinyin = 'buzou' and acw.brand_py = 'cfb' ) GROUP BY acwe.content_id ORDER BY a.istop DESC,a.isheadline DESC,a.sorting ASC,a.date DESC,a.id DESC LIMIT 0,20