执行SQL发生错误!错误:Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_149e_0.MYI' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device),语句:SELECT ac.id id,ac.author author,ac.title articletitle,ac.ico ico,ac.create_time createtime,ac.description description,ac.content content,acs.name scode_cn,acs.filename scode_name,acs.scode scode,acs.pcode pcode,( SELECT name FROM ay_content_watch_extend acwe WHERE acwe.content_id = ac.id limit 1 ) as tagname,ac.date,ac.update_time FROM ay_content ac LEFT JOIN ay_content_watch acw ON acw.content_id = ac.id LEFT JOIN ay_content_sort acs ON acs.scode = ac.scode WHERE( 1=1 and acw.xilie_id = 31756 and acw.brand_py = 'certina' and ac.status=1 and ac.date<'2024-05-09 03:13:08') ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 2